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La más completa guía de alquiler y conducción en Germany

Whether for leisure or daily use, driving is very popular in Germany, which is said to feature the most well-established and fast Autobahns. However, not all motorways in Germany have unlimited speed restrictions. You are allowed to drive as fast as the circumstances allows on 50% of the motorways, while for the other half are limited from 80 to 130 km/h, which are enforced.

  • Speed Limit and Traffic Signs
  • Seatbelt and Child Safety
  • Parking, Fuel and Toll
  • Traffic Violation
  • Driving Licence and Age Requirements

Speed Limit and Traffic Signs

Driving in Germany is on the right side of the road. On Autobahns, one must take the right lane and overtake from the left. 

Speed Limit

There is a speed limit of 50 km/h in rural areas and 100 km/h in built-up areas. Recommended maximum speed on motorways is 130 km/h.

Traffic Signs

German traffic signs can be classified into 4 types: regulatory, warning, information and direction signs. 

Warning Signs 

Warning signs are in red triangle shape with a few exceptions. 

Germany_Traffic_Sign_Bumpy_RoadBumpy RoadGermany_Traffic_Sign_Level_CrossingLevel CrossingGermany_Traffic_Sign_PedestriansPedestriansGermany_Traffic_Sign_Children_CrossingChildren CrossingGermany_Traffic_Sign_Wild_Animals_CrossingWild Animals Crossing

Regulatory Signs

German regulatory signs mostly feature circular shape with a red border, with some exceptions. 

Germany_Traffic_Sign_Give_WayGive WayGermany_Traffic_Sign_Stop_And_Give_WayStop and Give WayGermany_Traffic_Sign_No_U_turnNo U-TurnGermany_Traffic_Sign_No_OvertakingNo OvertakingGermany_Traffic_Sign_No_Passenger_CarsNo Passenger Car

Information Signs 

Information signs normally feature a square shape as well as blue background, with some other exceptions. 

Germany_Traffic_Sign_First_Aid_or_HospitalFirst Aid or HospitalGermany_Traffic_Sign_Car_Park_Parking_GarageCar Park, Parking GarageGermany_Traffic_Sign_Toll_RoadToll RoadGermany_Traffic_Sign_Stop_CustomsStop-Customs

Direction Signs 

German direction signs mostly feature a blue or yellow background and markings with location signs, route number information and distance. 

Germany_Traffic_Sign_Motorway_Junction_Sign_to_Service_AreaMotorway Junction Sign to Service AreaGermany_Traffic_Sign_Signpost_at_Junction_Leading_Onto_a_Minor_RoadSignpost at Junction Leading Onto a Minor RoadGermany_Traffic_Sign_Diversion_SignDiversion SignGermany_Traffic_Sign_End_of_DiversionEnd of Diversion

Take a further step to read more useful information regarding Germany traffic signs here.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Seatbelt and Child Safety

Seatbelt Laws

The driver and all passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts if the car is underway. Failing to do so will incur an on-the-spot fine of €30.

Booster Seat Laws

Children over 150cm tall can sit in the front of the car. Younger ones will require appropriate restraints in the rear. Note that a baby must be seated in a baby seat facing backwards in the front passenger seat, and the front airbag must be disabled. If the child seat is not set properly, a fine of €60 will be imposed.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Parking, Fuel and Toll


· Permitted Parking

Drivers are allowed to park when a “Parkschein” can be found, and can pay the related parking fee to a parking machine. Insert coins to pay for the amount of time you wish to keep your parking spot. then place your ticket on the car’s dashboard in plain sight.

Germany Parking Machine Sign(Image from

· Permitted Parking

In Germany, you are considered "parked" if you leave your vehicle or if you stop/stand for longer than 3 minutes, unless you are actively boarding or discharging passengers or loading/unloading cargo. 

You may not park in the following spots: 

- Within 5 metres on either side of an intersection

- In front of driveway entrances or exits, or on the opposite side of the street

- If the roadway is too narrow to allow vehicles to enter or exit the driveway

- If parking will obstruct the use of marked parking places

- Within 15 metres on either side of a bus or streetcar stop marked with a green H-sign with yellow background


- Within 50 metres on either side of a white X-sign with red poles when outside of urban areas or within 5 metres when inside an urban area


- On a priority road outside of urban areas

- In front of a curb-cut or wheelchair ramp

- Adjacent to a traffic island or median

- On the street side of another parked vehicle ("double parked")

- On a marked bike lane - Anywhere there is a “No Parking” sign on the same side of the street


Parking in forbidden areas will result in a parking fine that generally ranges from €5 to €25.

Fuel Prices

The average value for Germany gasoline price is €1.39 in January 2018 while diesel is €1.16.


Unlike trucks, passenger car can drive the Autobahn without toll fee. 

However, cross a border into neighbouring countries such as Austria, Switzerland and Czech Republic will require purchasing a vignette that should be stuck on the car’s windshield. Make sure you let the car hire company know if you are planning to drive your vehicle outside Germany, and double-check at the counter whether the rented vehicle features the relevant vignette.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Traffic Violation

DUI Laws

Drivers with more than 2 years' experience are charged with a fine if found driving with 0.05% BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) or with 0.03% in conjunction with any other traffic offences or accidents.

Traffic Fines

There are traffic signs indicating a speed limit at many street sections. Drivers who are speeding in Germany may be caught by a speed trap and the fine ranges from €15 to €680 in town and €10 to €600 outside towns.

Germany Speed Trap(Image from

Travellers renting a car in Germany may receive billing details from their credit cards indicating that a certain amount has been debited, mainly because they have been found guilty of speed driving or prohibited parking. You can always contact QEEQ' 24/7 customer service team for clarifications on such cases.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Driving Licence and Age Requirements

Foreigners on short-term visit may rent a car and drive with a valid foreign driving licence for up to 6 months in Germany. All licences issued by the European Union are accepted. To drive in Germany, the driver must present a valid national driving licence that has been held for at least 1 or 2 years (according to different car hire companies). 

You must be at least 18 years old to hire a car in Germany, and age may vary by car category. 

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Las mejores ofertas de alquiler de autos en Alemania

Las mejores tarifas encontradas por los usuarios de QEEQ en los últimos 30 días.

Preguntas frecuentes

Q1.¿Qué es un exceso de seguro?

El exceso es la cantidad de la que solo será responsable en caso de daños (bajo Cobertura por colisión) o robo (bajo Cobertura por robo) del auto.
La información sobre el exceso se indicará claramente en la inclusión de precios cuando reserve un automóvil en QEEQ.

Q2. ¿Cómo puedo agregar un conductor adicional?

Se recomienda realizar una solicitud al llegar al mostrador del alquiler. Un cargo adicional por día podría incurrir a menos que "1 conductor adicional incluido" esté estipulado en la reservación.
Por favor tenga en cuenta que los mismos requerimientos para la licencia y edad aplican para el conductor adicional. El conductor adicional debe presentar la licencia requerida junto con el conductor principal a la hora de la recogida.

P3.¿Qué pasa si quiero hacer la recogida o devolución del automóvil de alquiler fuera del horario de oficina?

QEEQ le mostrará las ofertas de automóviles disponibles por el tiempo que seleccionó en la barra de búsqueda.
Sin embargo, la recogida o devolución fuera de los horarios de operación del proveedor podría tener como consecuencia un cargo extra a menos que se cuente con la opción de recogida o devolución de autoservicio.
Después de reservar un automóvil en QEEQ, le informaremos por correo electrónico de la política específica de la compañía de alquiler de automóviles.

Q4. ¿Puedo ir a otro país o cruzar la frontera con el auto que alquilé?

Si desea hacer la recogida de su automóvil en un país y devolverlo en otro, los resultados de su búsqueda le mostrarán los automóviles con los que puede hacerlo.
Si planea cruzar cualquier frontera durante su viaje, tenga en cuenta que:
1. Es posible que tenga que pagar más.
A menudo hay cuotas adicionales, impuestos o cobertura adicional que pagará en el mostrador del alquiler de autos.
2.Podría estar prohibido el cruce.
Dependiendo de dónde alquile, es posible que no pueda llevar su automóvil a otro país.
Envíenos un correo electrónico si desea llevar su auto de alquiler a un país diferente durante su viaje, y hablaremos con usted sobre sus opciones.

P5.- ¿Puedo hacer la recogida de un automóvil en un lugar y devolverlo en otro?

Sí. Puede hacer la recogida del automóvil en un lugar y devolverlo en otro. Se incurrirá en una cuota de lugar de devolución distinto al de recogida. Ya sea que esta cuota esté incluida en el precio de alquiler o que un costo adicional surja se le indicará claramente al momento de reservar con QEEQ.
Cuando haga la recogida del auto por favor informe de su lugar de devolución directamente a la compañía de alquiler de automóviles o comuníquese con ellos durante su viaje. Encontrará su número de teléfono en el contrato de alquiler que firmó al hacer la recogida del auto.

Explore más destinos en Alemania

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