US$ 6/día
Alquiler de coches al mejor precio
Ubicaciones de alquiler
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Última actualización el: 10 de Marzo de 2025
19 Ubicaciones de alquiler
Once you have collected your luggage, come out of the terminal building using the nearest exit. Cross over the road and turn left, after about 250m, having past the P1 parking area, you will see the long stay P2 parking where you will find the ‘Meeting Point’ sign and where the Centauro Shuttle Bus will be waiting for you.
8.6/10 Muy bien
300+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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Arrivals from Terminal: Please exit the terminal through the glass doors in front of the baggage claim exit, cross the street and follow the parking signage. Continue to the covered parking. Go straight ahead and take a right at the end. Firefly office is located to the right at the end of covered parking.
+34 637 183 592 / +34 955 116 135
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Upon arrival, please walk towards the cafeteria and exit through the last glass sliding door of arrivals next to the cafeteria. You will see the rental cabin and parking lot.
8.5/10 Muy bien
300+ calificaciones reseñas
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Upon arrival, please walk towards the cafeteria and exit through the last glass sliding door of arrivals next to the cafeteria. You will see the rental cabin and parking lot.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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8.5/10 Muy bien
200+ calificaciones reseñas
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Upon arrival, please walk towards the cafeteria and exit through the last glass sliding door of arrivals next to the cafeteria. You will see the rental cabin and parking lot.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Counter located in terminal. Cars are within walking distance.
8.5/10 Muy bien
200+ calificaciones reseñas
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When you leave the baggage area, go to the ‘rent a car’ area. You will find the OK Mobility office next to the other car rental companies.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Airport Terminal Instructions AIRLINE PASSENGERS: located at the arrivals hall. PREFERRED SERVICE: Yes. OUT OF HOURS: there is a key box located in front of the office to drop the keys off out of hours. The office inside the terminal is only open until midnight.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Airline passengers go to baggage claim. AIRLINE PASSENGERS: Located at the arrivals hall. LOCAL RENTER: Not Available PREFERRED SERVICE: Yes. OUT OF HOURS: There is a key box located in front of the office to drop the keys off out of hours. The office inside the terminal is only open until midnight.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The meeting point at the airport will be in Parking 1, on floor 3 next to the elevator (pink silver). Call upon landing to arrange delivery (or if your flight is delayed or you have any questions), at (+34) 955 545 945 or (+34) 623 354 002. If you cannot be reached at these telephone numbers, please contact the Customer Service Center: Netherlands: (+31) 9 701 028 7028, GB (+44) 745 815 6666, USA (+1) 657 242 2424 , Spain (+34) 902 757 022. You can click on the following link to access our office on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/AiNAa3H4qX6dZuid6
(+34) 933936132
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The meeting point at the airport will be in Parking 1, on floor 3 next to the elevator (pink silver). Call upon landing to arrange delivery (or if your flight is delayed or you have any questions), at (+34) 955 545 945 or (+34) 623 354 002. If you cannot be reached at these telephone numbers, please contact the Customer Service Center: Netherlands: (+31) 9 701 028 7028, GB (+44) 745 815 6666, USA (+1) 657 242 2424 , Spain (+34) 902 757 022. You can click on the following link to access our office on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/AiNAa3H4qX6dZuid6 In order to speed up the vehicle pick up process, please complete your information on: https://www.flexways.com/web-checkin.php
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The meeting point at the airport will be in Parking 1, on floor 3 next to the elevator (pink silver). Call upon landing to arrange delivery (or if your flight is delayed or you have any questions), at (+34) 955 545 945 or (+34) 623 354 002. If you cannot be reached at these telephone numbers, please contact the Customer Service Center: Netherlands: (+31) 9 701 028 7028, GB (+44) 745 815 6666, USA (+1) 657 242 2424 , Spain (+34) 902 757 022. You can click on the following link to access our office on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/AiNAa3H4qX6dZuid6
8.4/10 Muy bien
200+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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Upon your arrival at Sevilla airport, leave the terminal using the nearest exit. Cross over the road and turn left, after about 250m, having past the P1 parking area, you will see the long stay P2 parking where you will find the general “Meeting Point” sign where the Drivalia Mobility Store bus clearly identified with our logo, will either be waiting for you, or arrive to collect you within a few minutes. Our uniformed driver will take you the short journey to the Drivalia Mobility Store to collect your car.
+34955510775 / +34673895474
8.4/10 Muy bien
400+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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When you arrive at Sevilla airport (Arrivals hall, Ground Floor), please go to the meeting point located at the P2 meeting point. To do so, exit the terminal through any of the exits in the Arrivals hall, cross the street through zebra crossing and go left, following the pavement, until you reach the corner. Continue until you come to a post indicating the location of the P2 meeting point. Turn right, cross the zebra crossing, and head towards long stay car park P2. Once there you will see our shuttle bus, a free service that will take you in comfort from the arrival's terminal to our office. After landing call us on this number to avoid waiting times: +34 955 123 808.
8.2/10 Muy bien
300+ calificaciones 2 reseñas
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All these companies are located at the ground floor of the main terminal building.
8.1/10 Muy bien
300+ calificaciones 2 reseñas
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Counter located in terminal. Cars are within walking distance.
8/10 Muy bien
300+ calificaciones 2 reseñas
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Pickup in Terminal.
Ocupa el 50% de todos los alquileres de coches. Los tipos de coches más seleccionados son: Small , SUV y De .
* Basado en todas las reservas de Sevilla Airport (SVQ) de los últimos 30 días.
Las tarifas de alquiler más bajas en Sevilla Airport (SVQ) son USD 13.94 en promedio, y pueden llegar a USD 59.42 en los Julio más concurridos. Use esta conclusión para planificar su viaje de la mejor manera posible.
Por el contrario, miércoles es el día menos ocupado.
Más reservas significan más tiempo de espera en el mostrador. Prepárese si le va a llevar mucho tiempo recoger su pedido en el Sevilla Airport (SVQ).
* Basado en la hora de recogida programada de todas las reservas de Sevilla Airport (SVQ).
La mayoría de los clientes reservan un coche de alquiler desde Sevilla Airport(SVQ) por 4 días, lo que demuestra que un período de alquiler de duración media es más favorecido.
Los alquileres de coches de ida representan casi el 23% del total de reservas en Sevilla Airport (SVQ).Fuera de él, además de Sevilla , otros destinos principales: Malaga, Barcelona .
En promedio, Protección básica cuesta USD 31.71 por día para Small , USD 38.54 para SUV y USD 85.04 para De .
Do You Know?
No.1 País de origen
Los clientes de Bélgica eligen con mayor frecuencia Sevilla Airport(SVQ) como punto de partida de sus viajes de negocios y de ocio.
Mas grande es mejor
Los arrendatarios de España prefieren modelos de coches más espaciosos como y Peugeot Traveller .
Todo un planificador
A Tailandia los inquilinos les gusta planificar con mucha más antelación, por lo general hacen la reserva en línea 86 días antes de la recogida en Sevilla Airport (SVQ).
9.8/10 Excelente
300+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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